Air fryer Salmon Bites

Ingredients: 1 lbs salmon, cubed 1/4 cup soy sauce OR coconut aminos 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp ginger, diced 1 tsp honey (omit for babies under 12months) Directions: Cut salmon into 1 inch cubes & remove skin. In a bowl, mix soy sauce/coconut aminos, garlic, ginger, & honey then add salmon cubes. Place marinadedContinueContinue reading “Air fryer Salmon Bites”

Baked French Toast

Feeding a family can be tough! Make it easier on yourself by focusing on “one meal for everyone” and look for ways to modify what you are eating to serve to even the youngest of eaters (6m+ after meeting the signs of readiness) French toast can be made in batches & frozen for fast breakfastsContinueContinue reading “Baked French Toast”

Yogurt for Babies

“Why can babies (under 12 months) have whole milk yogurt but not whole milk until they are 1 year old?” Great question! I get this one often so I wanted to explain here just in case you, too, are wondering this.  Under the age of 12 months, babies should not drink cow’s milk as a mainContinueContinue reading “Yogurt for Babies”

Is it more than just Picky Eating? Problem Feeding explained

Surface-level observations are easy. And honestly, true “picky eating” can be a very normal phase… but what if it isn’t?…at a point, it is no longer “picky eating” and more accurately defined as “problem feeding”.


CALCIUM COMES FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES 👏NOT 👏JUST 👏MILK – but so often when I tell parents it’s okay if their child doesn’t drink milk they respond with “What about Calcium?” 🤔 What is Calcium? Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and vital for good health! It is essential for theContinueContinue reading “Calcium”

Building a Balanced Plate for Baby (6-11months)

When starting solids, a question I am often asked is “What foods should I offer to make sure my baby gets what they need to grow?” Here is a quick guide for building balanced and nutrient-dense meals for your baby that will help support proper growth & development AND also help expose them to aContinueContinue reading “Building a Balanced Plate for Baby (6-11months)”

Is my baby still hungry or full? Responsive Feeding for Starting Solids

Even if they can’t talk yet, babies have all kinds of ways to tell us when they’re hungry & when they’ve had enough! feeding & trusting your child to listen to their body. 

FREE GUIDE: Nutritious Dipping Sauces

Recently I shared an IG lunch post where Jax dipped his grapes into his tomato soup. As an adult, I was repulsed. But as an inquisitive toddler, he wasn’t phased at all – in fact, it was the opposite – he LOVED it! On the post I asked what was the weirdest combination thatContinueContinue reading “FREE GUIDE: Nutritious Dipping Sauces”

Tips for Parenting a Picky Eater

It is INCREDIBLY common for children to begin to develop food preferences- especially after they turn 1 year old! And these preferences, if not appropriately maintained, can lead to what we call “picky eating”….Rather than stressing yourself about this (because mom life has ENOUGH to worry about), lets chat about some of the things you can do to help work WITH your “picky eater”.

Homemade Hummus Recipe

Hummus is one of my FAVORITE foods to make at home! Before I learned this recipe, I didn’t know how good hummus could truly be! It is such a versatile food that can add extra protein, healthy fat, calcium and non-heme iron to a meal that would otherwise lack those things! INGREDIENTS 1 can (15ContinueContinue reading “Homemade Hummus Recipe”