Building a Balanced Plate for Baby (6-11months)

When starting solids, a question I am often asked is “What foods should I offer to make sure my baby gets what they need to grow?” Here is a quick guide for building balanced and nutrient-dense meals for your baby that will help support proper growth & development AND also help expose them to aContinueContinue reading “Building a Balanced Plate for Baby (6-11months)”

The Ultimate Grocery List

Grocery shopping isn’t everyones favorite activity, but it sure is mine!! During my undergrad courses, I had to take a class that required us to complete a “grocery store tour”. We learned all the ins-and-outs of how to most efficiently shop for groceries. One of the most important things that I learned was to categorizeContinueContinue reading “The Ultimate Grocery List”

Role of Fat for Babies/Toddlers

The right types of fat and quantity are important for development and healthy functioning. Getting enough healthy fats is essential for growth and development. Young kids, in particular, need enough fat in their diet to help the brain and nervous system develop normally.

BLW: How to Serve Carrots

Carrots are a particularly good source of fiber, vitamin K, potassium, and antioxidants! Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A promotes good vision and is important for growth, development, and immune function (all things little humans need)! Despite their name- “baby carrots” are actuallyContinueContinue reading “BLW: How to Serve Carrots”

Baby Led Weaning 101

Traditionally American parents started off feeding their children either rice cereal, pureed fruit, and veggies, or a combination of the two. In the US, true solids or “finger foods” are often not introduced until closer to 9 months however that’s not necessary! While researching, I happened across the newly trending “Baby Led Weaning” on socialContinueContinue reading “Baby Led Weaning 101”

Healthy Holiday Fruit Dip Recipe

This is Jaxon’s first year attending our church’s mothers day out program (Tues/Thurs 8:30am-2pm) which means this is my first chance at school holiday parties! I wanted to go the “extra mile” and include a dip for the kids and teachers to enjoy with their fruit and it was a huge hit!