BLW: Review of the first 12 months

I was honestly pretty unsure on how to introduce solids to Jaxon when he first started. Sure, I knew a lot about functional nutrition. But I knew nothing about how to translate that into a safe way to feed this tiny little human.

Role of Fat for Babies/Toddlers

The right types of fat and quantity are important for development and healthy functioning. Getting enough healthy fats is essential for growth and development. Young kids, in particular, need enough fat in their diet to help the brain and nervous system develop normally.

BLW: How to Serve Carrots

Carrots are a particularly good source of fiber, vitamin K, potassium, and antioxidants! Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A promotes good vision and is important for growth, development, and immune function (all things little humans need)! Despite their name- “baby carrots” are actuallyContinueContinue reading “BLW: How to Serve Carrots”