Building on Broken Ground: Phase 1

This past year has hands down absolutely been the hardest I have ever lived through..but at the end I am still alive and there is something to be said for that. 2019 broke me down to my lowest points. A place of brokenness and loneliness I didn’t even know was ever going to be possible.ContinueContinue reading “Building on Broken Ground: Phase 1”

Reverse Picky Eating with Food Chaining

Becoming more selective starts around 12-18 months for most children. When they begin to differentiate between items for flavor, colors, and textures and distinguish which they prefer. For some kids, selective (or picky) eating is a short-lived stage. For others, it can become an ongoing challenge and make mealtime a stressful, chaotic experience for everyone involved.

Avocado for Baby!

When it came to baby food, avocado was one I was so excited to feed Jax! Avocado is a great fruit for the health of your baby’s… …and is a good food option if your baby suffers from colic.