Healthy Toddler Breakfast Formula

It’s 5:30am.

You woke up to this tiny (and cute) human looking at you and asking for breakfast.

Coffee isn’t ready yet.

But you, you have to rally. Because if you don’ feed this cute little person things can go bad, and quickly.

As a nutritionist, I want to set my child up fro success. I just wasn’t to do it in a way that requires the least amount of (mental) work.

That is where the “Lazy-Mom’s Healthy Toddler Breakfast Formula” was created!

My “Type-A” heart skips a beat when I can create a “method” to manage all the madness.

Breakfast is referred to as “the most important meal of the day” and this is especially true for toddlers! Their little bodies have been asleep (hopefully 🤞🏻) for 10-12 hours so this is the meal that sets them up for their day. Which is why incorporating a high calorie food, healthy fat/protein, & fruit/veggie are so important!

1. Protein/ Healthy Fat:
Protein helps little bodies to grow and also helps to keep toddlers feeling satisfied longer. Fat helps for proper brain development and also helps to keep little tummies feeling full for longer. This means that those requests for snacks may be less frequent! 

2. Fruit/Veggies:
These provide the fiber, vitamins, and minerals toddlers need for immunity and proper development. And they just taste good!

3. High Calorie:
Carbohydrates are converted into energy the quickest. Meaning that they provide fast energy in combination with healthy fats/protein and fruit/ veg can provide long-lasting energy!

A majority of these items I will batch make and freeze (pancakes, waffles, mini quiche, French toast sticks) so that all I have to do is heat them up. Then add something from the other 2 groups and BAM💥 5-10 minutes of toddler entertainment while I make my coffee.

It’s the little things!

The author of this site encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information on this site should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or determine treatment for a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. For more information please read our full disclaimer here.

Published by snackswithjax

Sarah is the creator and mom behind "Snacks with Jax", a social media community of over 85,000 parents/caregivers, where she shares her son's meals, nutrition information, and evidence-based tips for feeding children. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist with a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition emphasizing in Wellness from Texas Woman's University and years of experience as a culinary instructor working with ages 2+. She has coached hundreds of parents & caregivers through the journey introducing solids to babies and also navigating picky eating with toddlers and older children. Her focus is on establishing a life-long healthy relationship with food for children while also empowering, encouraging, and educating their adult caregivers.

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